Monday, December 21, 2009

Mondays Blah...

I am still reeling over the shock of Brittany Murphy sudden death. If you have not heard she passed yesterday morning from natural causes. She was only 32. However, this morning reports are saying she may have been ill prior to her death. In any case, I pray for her family as I know this must be hard especially during these holiday times.

This tragedy had me reflecting about my life especially my health. Im not old, but as I get older my concern increases about my health. I now think about how I take my youth for granted. A lot younger people think the drinking, smoking, eating unhealthy, and everything wont catch up to them. Another thing is I dont get regular check ups. I think when my Grandma passed away, my attitude towards doctors and healthcare changed feeling they can only do so much.

But I have to get over my complex about that. I am making it priority to get a checkup and get fit for the new year. I do not want to end up dead at young age for something I could have prevented. Some things are genetic or beyond our control. Yet, we can control our actions. I can control my actions. For 2010, I want to finally be fit. So I encourage anyone to practice what you do in good health. We only have this one life, so do your best to make the most of it.

1 comment:

  1. That's what's up. My health has been yo yoing for years. I've been in my best shape and worst shape all in the past year and a half. I'm doing better now--especially with my eating and I try to work out when I can. But I def need to start getting regular checkups. --Flow-Joe
